Each academic year the provost and vice president for academic affairs sends a memorandum to all faculty, department chairs, directors, deans and others soliciting nominations for specific faculty awards. The process is completed by spring.
Please note: Only one nomination submission per nominee for a given award is permitted. Before preparing a nomination, a nominator should check with the nominee’s department chair to ensure that no other nomination of the nominee for that award is being prepared.
Address any questions to the chair of the Faculty Awards Committee (Professor Gonghu Li, at: Gonghu.Li@trhcn.com or call 862-0607).
A formal nomination is required.
Each nomination must include:
a. A letter from the nominator. Indicate the specific reasons the faculty member is being nominated for the specific award and provide evidence in support of the nomination. Be sure to address the award criteria.
b. The nominee's curriculum vitae (CV).
c. Two (2) letters of reference that address the nominee's qualifications for the specific award. Do not submit more than two letters of reference. (Note: Unless there is a compelling reason, do not include a letter from the nominee’s dean/director during the first round of review. The committee will solicit a reference letter from the dean/director if the nominee becomes a finalist for the award.)
Self-nominations are acceptable.
Such nominations must include a self-nomination letter, CV, and two reference letters, as described above.
Electronic submission is required.
All nomination materials must be submitted electronically no later than noon (12:00 p.m.) Friday, March 7, 2025. Nominations will not be accepted after this deadline. All material must be submitted by the nominator in digital form only, using a single MS Word or pdf file attachment. The nominator must send all of the nomination materials to: UNH.FacultyAwards@trhcn.com
Submissions will be acknowledged by the Office of the Provost within four business days. If the nominator has not received an acknowledgment of receipt by then, please send an inquiry to: UNH.FacultyAwards@trhcn.com or call 862-3290.
Please note: The nominator should collect all of the nomination materials and submit them at one time to: UNH.FacultyAwards@trhcn.com
All nomination materials—the nomination letter, nominee's CV, and two letters of reference—must be submitted by the nominator.
Address any questions to the Chair of the Faculty Awards Committee (Professor Gonghu Li, at: Gonghu.Li@trhcn.com or call 862-0607).
Selection of Finalists
- The Faculty Awards Committee reviews all nominations and selects finalists for each award based upon the candidate’s CV, two reference letters, and the nomination letter.
- Once the finalists for an award have been identified, the chair of the Faculty Awards Committee will request additional information from the nominator. In some instances, additional reference letters are solicited. PLEASE NOTE: Nominators of finalists for awards will be contacted in late March/early April and will be provided the opportunity to submit additional information in support of the nomination. If a nominator is not going to be available during this time, the nominator should designate a colleague to provide additional information on the finalist.
- If the chair of the department is not the nominator or a letter of support writer, as a courtesy, the nominator should inform the department chair of the nomination. If the chair of the department is a finalist for an award, the Faculty Awards Committee chair will request this letter from a senior professor in the nominee’s department.
- The chair of the Faculty Awards Committee requests a letter from the dean of a finalist’s school/college indicating his or her perspective on the finalist related to the specific award. The committee recommends that nominators, as a courtesy, inform the dean about the nomination prior to its submission. Upon request, the chair will send the dean a copy of the candidate’s CV, nomination letter, and the letters of reference received in the original nomination packet.
- Throughout the process, the Faculty Awards Committee relies on the nominator to furnish additional information as required by the committee in order to complete its considerations. The Faculty Awards Committee may add finalists from the pool of nominees for its consideration after it has reviewed other finalists.
- The Faculty Awards Committee makes recommendations for the awards to the provost.
- After making final decisions, the provost informs each recipient’s dean of the faculty member’s selection. The dean informs the award recipient and the person who nominated the recipient. All nominees, nominators, deans, and appropriate university offices are informed of the decisions.
- The Office of the Provost will maintain a file with all submitted materials related to the award recipients. All other submitted materials will be destroyed after award decisions have been made.